Rewire Your Brain Using Burnout-Free Systems

3-minute weekly email showing you how I reclaimed 10+ hours a week as a father, developer, and creator in my 30s.

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See Why Multidisciplinary Creators and Parents Love Focus Friday

Chris Fritz

marketer | copywriter | podcaster


"You’re a prime example of the power of impactful writing. I always look forward to your stuff."

Tom Johnson

the diversified dad


"Ended up reading your article on content creation is the new 9-5. Really enjoyed it and it sums up exactly what I felt when I was pushing it."

Karla Gonzalez

mom | coach | creator


"Brand helped me with diet, exercise, sleep, managing stress, and implementing routines. I was able to achieve in 4 months, what I was trying to achieve for over a year by myself."


Who am I and why should you care?

My name is Brand, let's get personal...Multi-passionate Creator | Father | Husband | Machine Learning Engineer | Ex-Fitness TrainerMy two evergreen goals are:1) Kaizen (continuous improvement)
2) Developing my Ikigai (life purpose)
To create a lasting legacy that benefits my tribe for generations.My gift is finding efficient solutions to overcome modern challenges and support those who may not have the same opportunities.How?Driven by a desire to never succumb to mediocrity, I feel compelled to share my ideas, insights, systems, philosophy, and unique experiences with you.I've transformed my life in many areas and invite you to learn from my mistakes:Lazy mommas boyFocused father
Skinny-fat and weakGreek-god physique
Socially AnxiousHappily married for 6+ years
20-year media addictMultidisciplinary Creator
Broke personal trainerMachine Learning Engineer
Living lower classLiving on 1-acre in the countryside
I don't say this to brag. It's quite the opposite. My story shows you what's possible (human potential is essentially limitless).If I can start from mediocrity (enemy) and fully embrace mastery (purpose) in my life, so can you.My content ecosystem shares my deepest insights on designing a sustainable lifestyle that allows you to build upon your unique strengths without burning out from endless online consumption.Ironic that content is shared on social media, isn't it?That's where this newsletter comes in. To help us genuinely connect and escape the algorithm together.Interested? Join us below ↓

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P.S. If you're impatient and want to get a head start, check out this video on how to use the Focus Tracker Tool:

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